Home > Artworks > Aleix Gordo Hostau http://www.aleixgoho.com

Photo of Aleix Gordo Hostau http://www.aleixgoho.com Spain
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I 'm based in Barcelona, I probably began to hold a pencil before I was able to speak and I never studied anything related to art so I think it just happened.
I have been working as an illustrator for ten years and I began to draw for publishing companies, which is something I still do sometimes (illustrating books for kids or designing book’s portraits).
Since then I’ve been working for press, publicity, and several...

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I 'm based in Barcelona, I probably began to hold a pencil before I was able to speak and I never studied anything related to art so I think it just happened.
I have been working as an illustrator for ten years and I began to draw for publishing companies, which is something I still do sometimes (illustrating books for kids or designing book’s portraits).
Since then I’ve been working for press, publicity, and several nation and multinational companies like Nestea, Knor, Neutrex, Reckitt-Benckisser, Montana Colors, Panini Comics, Puresang, and many others.
Nowadays I’m more focused on fashion world, publicity agencies, a part time job as a painter and trying to get into comic book’s world as an author with my illustrations.

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